Josh Davidz

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This is what the new reversible USB 3.1 cable looks like, Corliss Review Group


In December last year the technology consortium responsible for the USB standard announced that the next generation of connectors would be entirely reversible – now the first picture of the new plug has appeared online.

As expected, the new design looks pretty much identical to Apple’s Lightning connector - a proprietary standard which is also reversible and appears on the latest iPhones and iPads.

The new USB 3.1 Type-C is similar in size to the current Micro USB design used to charge most small gadgets and will break computability with current ports.

The designs are not expected to be finalized until July and it will take many months more before manufacturers start to introduce the new Type-C to their products.

This latest update to the most widely accepted connector in the tech world will offer increased bandwidths of up to 10Gbps but for most of the clearest advantage will...

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Corliss Review Group on the Internet Scam That Hijacks Your Hard Drive

Viruses used to be so simple.

You’d go online with your dial-up modem, take 25 minutes to naively download an appealing-sounding .exe file, and suddenly a sheep would walk across the screen or an embarrassing e-mail would be sent to your entire address book. Some would even wish you a Happy New Year.

Annoying, maybe, but they had their own ‘90s cyber-kiddie sense of charm.

Some viruses, of course, were incredibly disruptive. Now, though, viruses and malware have become even more malicious. They’re out for more than just hacker cred – they’re out for your money.

For a long time, malware scammers used tactics known as Scare ware. The malicious software fraudulently claims that your computer has a serious virus infection then sends you to a page to buy their (useless) anti-virus software.

Related: Porn, Drugs, Hit men, and Hackers: This Is the Deep Web

While this is certainly still...

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Corliss Review Group on Identity fraud and cybercrime cost firms over €600m

AN increase in cybercrimes is costing Irish companies over €600m a year, according to a new report.

Reports of data breaches are mounting in Ireland as both foreign and Irish criminals infiltrate business computer systems, according to a Grant Thornton business report.

Common crimes include identity fraud, online scams, and cyber theft and cyber extortion.

Notifications of security breaches rose 36pc in 2012. Incidents are typically under-reported to the Data Protection Commissioner because company’s fear a hit to their reputation should they disclose their security systems failed, according to Grant Thornton partner Mike Harris, who launched the company’s cyber security service.


Breaches since 2011 include attacks on Loyalty build, Eircom Study Hub and Recruit Ireland. Loyalty build suffered a breach of customer data and credit card information and had to invest €500,000...

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Corliss Review Group on the week’s top tech news: Google Nest, iPhone camera tips, EU data roaming & Easter apps

The Google Nest thermostat goes on sale, Sony gives away some free music and we bring you a great app for the Easter holes.


NEST • From £170 plus VAT

Your central heating is about to get a whole lot cooler thanks to Google’s new Nest thermostat.

The space-aged gadget not only looks the business but will also save you a heap of money.

Using tech wizardry, Nest learns about you and your home then decides when to switch on your boiler. You can also control the heating while away via your smartphone.

Google reckons the £249 Nest will save 20% off your gas bill.



The brilliant Sony Xperia Z2 is now available to pre-order.

And with a stunning screen, waterproof design and new 4K camcorder it’s one of the best Android phones on the market.

If you decide to fill your pockets with this phone then...

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